Learn with Me
Do you find that you learn better through self-led courses? These two course options are perfect for you! Learn how to optimize your health through modules that you can accomplish on your own time.
The Cycle Fix
My 5-module course is designed to quickly educate you on how to naturally achieve hormonal balance for a peaceful period each month. This means, less irritability, breast tenderness, mood swings, headaches, heavy or irregular bleeding, long or short cycles and much more.
Bonus: You also learn how to avoid hormone disrupting chemicals, the most useful lab tests and timing for hormonal problems AND the supplements that are most helpful when tackling hormone related problems.
Make your hormones work for you in all aspects of your life...work, social, home and exercise so that periods and hormones don’t wreck your day to day life.
Each module is only 15-20 minutes with additional supporting documents & tasks.
$59 (spring 2024 promo)
7-Day Detox Challenge
If you feel sluggish, heavier, fatigued and less vital this detox is for you! My goal is help you get back on track with your health (and learn how to stay on track more easily year round). Truly the first sign you have leveled up your health is when you pivot quickly back to your good routine. It all starts with how you fuel your body and lowering your toxic load.
The goal of this program is to activate your metabolism and purify your body so that it can function more efficiently. The 7-Day Detox Challenge has the tools you need to rev up and reset your metabolism by eliminating the most common inflammatory foods AND teach you how to decrease your toxic burden while improving your body's natural detox pathways for optimal vitality.
Course Cost: $97